Guide for Authors

How to write an article for a scientific and research journal of modeling in engineering (download here)

Authors' commitment form (commitment form)

Conflict of interest form (download here)

Author Fees:

According to the regulations of determining the cost of article processing in open access scientific journals of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, in order to cover part of the costs of the journal and improve the implementation of processes related to the journal, all articles submitted that are accepted in the scientific evaluation process are subject to the payment of a fee as article processing charges (acceptance, editorial processing, and preparation for publish) in the amount of 6,000,000 Rials, which is received from the corresponding author.


   The present article introduces the style sheet to prepare scientific and research articles to submit to the Modeling Journal of Engineering. This style sheet is based on some of the features available in Microsoft-Word 2007. An important point to consider when preparing a ready -to -print version is that the methods required for all parts of the article are defined in this sample of the article and the authors can use it to quickly match the file after transferring their content to this file. This is easy to do using the Copy and Paste and Format Painter in this software.

 2- The method of editing the articles

  If the authors fail to use this article as a template for any reason, consider the following points:

  • The size of the pages should be equal to A4 and the top, bottom, left and right of the pages are equal to 54.2 cm.
  • Articles are two columns, each with a width of 33.7 cm. At the same time, the two columns will be 1.25 cm.
  • The size and type of Persian fonts used for each of the items can be found in Table 1.
  • Please use Times New Roman for English fonts whose size (except title and abstract) will be two times less than the size of the Persian fonts.
  • Rows distance in the title, abstract and text, is single.
  • The title of the article, which briefly presents the main idea of the work, is written with the "headline" font with the size of 14 in bold.
  • The authors names as well as the affiliations and their academic emails are specified by inserting the number above the names and explaining in the footer.
  • The equivalent title in English should also be specified in the paper.
  • It is also necessary to prepare and insert abstract in English to the paper.

Note that the magazine's articles are created from the electronic file of articles produced by the authors. As such, articles that have not fully observed the writing style will lose the priority of accepting.


Table 1: Details of different parts of the paper.

The position of use



Paper title

B Titr 14 (Center)

Should be short and clear.

Authors names

B Nazanin 13, Bold (Center)

The corresponding author must be shown using an * above the name.

Authors affiliations

B Nazanin 9

Details of all authors have to be included by the numbers and explained in the footnotes.

Abstract and keywords

B Nazanin 11

Should be prepared based on the Template.

Section title

B Nazanin 13, Bold


Sub-section title

B Nazanin 12 و Bold


Body text

B Nazanin 12


Figure and Table captions

B Nazanin 11


Figure and Table texts

B Nazanin 10


Persian references

B Nazanin 11


English references

Times New Roman 10



2-1- Specifications of the Paper Introduction

   In the introduction, a summary of the history of the subject is first stated. In the following, one or two paragraphs are explained in the process and the work done to eliminate existing shortcomings, open challenges or move towards new findings. In this section, the scientific and technical achievements of the research over other research works are expressed clearly and the innovation of the paper is clarified over other research.

2-2- Article text

   The main content is included in this section, which must include the definition of the required concepts, the problem plan, and the solution. The figures, tables, and mathematical relationships used in the text must all be related to the text. In writing the text, try to address only the main topic of the article so that the reader's mind can be deviated from a series of content. Review all sentences at least once to ensure their completeness and accuracy in terms of Persian grammar. Be careful that the sentences of a paragraph are related to each other and follow a subject.

2-3- Conclusion section profile

   In this section, the contributions of the research are briefly reviewed and the results are described. The conclusion section can point to the applications of the research, present new and vague research points, or make suggestions for future research.

2-4- References

   The references will be numbered in the article and included at the end of the article. Make sure that all the references are referred to in the text. The examples listed at the end of this sample article are provided for both Persian and English references:

  • Journal articles [1, 2, and 4],
  • Proceeding articles [5],
  • Books [3 and 6].


3- Figures, tables and equations (formulas)

   The appropriateness of the status of figures, tables, and mathematical equations plays a key role in understanding the concepts of the article. The figures and tables must be adjusted in the middle of the column. See Table 1 to use the suitable fonts in the text and the titles of the figures and tables. If a figure or a table do not fit into a column, it can be placed into two columns. Try to insert the picture directly into the word environment and to review and edit using the Edit Picture tool. Note that the layout of the picture is selected as “In line with text” and in a standalone row so that there is no problem with the paging. However, the figures should be inserted in the article with sufficient explanations and within the same text box and have sufficient distance from the prior and after. Never use scanning printed figures. Try to use the entire width of the column for clarity as possible.

   Failure to using the axes labeling in the tables often reduces the clarity of the article. For all the axes, instead of using letters and symbols, use the words with the unit of each in parentheses. If you use the figures of the other references in your article, it is mandatory to mention the name and address of the source figures. Figure 1 shows an example of how to set a figure.

   Figure 1- Stress curves- FRP composites compared to soft steel [1].

   The Equation Editor tool is very effective for writing mathematical equations. All the symbols needed in this tool are predicted. Description of all variables, parameters, and new symbols in equations, if not explained before, must be expressed without the interval after the relationship, such as the following:



   In which A and, B are the compressive strength and axial strain related to the maximum stress of the concrete, respectively. Also, the pressure is enclosed and the values of a and b are coefficients that are empirically determined.


4 - Conclusion

   The main results of the research are mentioned in this section. In this sample article, the specifications of a ready to publish article for the Journal of Modeling in Engineering were outlined. Important parts that need to be careful, such as the dimensions and edges of the page and columns, how to prepare the title and abstract in Persian and English, the main sections, how to number and subdivisions, how to number the tables, figures, and mathematical equatins and refer to them, listing, sorting and numbering of the references, and finally the size and type of fonts.



   This section is a brief section in a few short sentences.



[1] Fukugaw, Nobuya. "Effects of the quality of science on the initial public offering of university spinoffs: evidence from Japan". Scientometrics 127, no. 8 (2022): 4439-4455.

[2] Haunschild, Robin, and Lutz Bornmann. "Relevance of document types in the scoresʼcalculation of a specific field-normalized indicator:Are the scores strongly dependent on or nearly independent of the document type handling?. " Scientometrics 127, no. 8 (2022): 4419-4438.

[3] Vakkari, Pertti, Yu-Wei Chang, and Kalervo Järvelin. "Largest contribution to LIS by external disciplines as measured by the characteristics of research articles" . Scientometrics 127, no. 8 (2022): 4499-4522.

[4] Wu, Tong, and Andres Tovar. "Design for additive manufacturing of conformal cooling channels using thermal-fluid topology optimization and application in injection molds." In International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, vol. 51760, p. V02BT03A007. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.

[5] Jones, Robert M. Mechanics of composite materials. CRC press, 2018.


English abstract: At least 150 words and maximum 250 words with key English words and the names of the authors and their address in English.


License terms

The workings of the Creative Commons CC BY License, as stated on the Creative Commons website, is defined as below:

"This license lets others distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most compatible of licenses for maximum publication and use of licensed materials."

Copyright Policy

This journal holds rights related to the publication of the articles and the this right are transfered to the journal by submitting the articles to the journal. In addition, the journal will be fully in charge for publication of the article in print, online, as a CD, in international indexes and domestic indexes. This right will be revoked only if the article is rejected or the author(s) withdraw from publication. For more information on the subject, please check the commitment form.