Provide a model for the seismic damage Assessment to buried fuel pipelines in Kermanshah



Fuel pipeline systems are one of the most important lifelines in city and have a key role in increase and decrease of damages and vulnerability to earthquake. Kermanshah has three lines for transferring oil products and crude oil into the main refinery of the city from two transfer centers out of the city, Naftshahr and Tange Fanni, from which oil products are transferred to the terminal facilities in Sanandaj. This paper, In order to assess the seismic damage to buried fuel pipelines of Kermanshah with the help of characteristics and information of network components, PGA and PGV values are initially determined for two probable scenario earthquakes in the study area, using the attenuation relations of the same area. Then, using the repair rate relations, damage to pipelines is estimated. The probability distribution function for the area, the population and the number of houses exposed to fire and explosion after the earthquake are calculated using the Monte Carlo simulation method through numerous repetitions All the steps of damage assessment for buried pipelines were written in a GIS environment. In order to give a better description of the output results, the probability distribution functions for each output are provided. In summary, the damage inflicted on the fuel pipelines of Kermanshah is equal to 17 leaks, 4 breaks and 21 ignitions for scenario 1 and 4 leaks, 1 break and 1 ignition for scenario 2. The purpose of this paper, an efficient algorithm present is for seismic damage analyze of buried fuel pipelines and simulating fire ignition and explosion in urban areas. The proposed algorithm for the city of Kermanshah has been used as a case study.


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