Simulation and technical- economic analysis of solar water heater for residential users



In today's world, using the renewable energies is the most important solution for the survival of human society. This necessity has taken on a more serious in 1970's decade when the lake of fossil fuels happened. Three categories: lack of energy resources, population growth and widespread use of energy in all of human society requires us to use new energies. One of the applications of solar energy is the usage in heating and cooling systems. This paper estimates the demand for hot water and taking in to account the geographical designed and economic parameter to simulate an appropriate model of solar water heaters and after the economic analysis of the issue, such as energy saving and cash flow analysis by SAM software, we review the incentive and their impact on the profitability of the project. Research continues to determine the optical angles of the collector position, and we can see that the angles 32 and 170 degrees are the best angles to position the collector in the desired location.


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