Modeling and Solution of Job Shop Scheduling with No-Wait Orders to Minimize Makespan: A Decomposition Approach based on Order Sequencing and Timetabling

Document Type : Research Paper


kashan university


Job shop scheduling problem with no-wait is a special case of general job shop scheduling problem where there is no waiting time between operations and within jobs. In other words, when the operation of each order starts, there is no stop. In literature of scheduling problems, this problem has been known as NP-hard problem. The proposed approach for solving such problems generally decompose the problem into two sub problems: sequencing and timetabling. In this paper, after analyzing the genetic algorithm based approaches presented in literature, we will present a new approach. After introducing the main problem and solution approaches, we will investigate the solution approaches and evaluate their limitations and advantages. Finally a GA based on the improvements will be presented which exhibits relatively high efficiency.


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