Modeling the process of services quality increasing using QFD, AHP and Knapsack problem with fuzzy approach (A case study: police services)

Document Type : Research Paper



Recently, Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is used as a systematic approach to establish an appropriate connection between customers’ needs and technical requirements of provided services by many companies. In this paper a hybrid model composed of QFD, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and knapsack problem using fuzzy approach is proposed to create this connection. Afterwards, a case study on police services is presented. Accordingly, customers’ needs from police services are detected and after determination of their importance level with fuzzy group AHP approach, they are positioned in rows of House Of Quality (HOQ) matrix. Also, the main police processes are placed in columns of HOQ matrix. Finally, a model based on knapsack problem model is proposed to determine the priory of executive activities for quality enhancement in police services, regarding budget constraint.


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