Mathematical modeling of activities scheduling with regard to overtime costs and delay penalties: A case study in mining Sector

Document Type : Industry Article


1 tehran

2 kashan


Sequencing and timing of project activities with limited resources is one of the important issues related to the field of project management that With proper management can reduce the high costs of projects. One of the projects that could be mentioned, Extraction project of a block of Choghart iron ore mining is located in Yazd province that with accurate identification of its activities, WBS charts and AOA with prerequisite relationships between the activities and resources required are derived. Mathematical model of a particular issue with the aim to minimize overtime costs and delays in project delivery, has been developed. Mathematical model implemented by the GAMS.9 software and results of activities optimization sequencing and scheduling is estimated. The results show that the optimal number 5 sources there is in order to extract a block of Choghart iron ore mine.
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Main Subjects

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