Optimization of availability the systems with redundant considering the half-stat, deals and repair rate´s change

Document Type : Industry Article


1 Department of Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering University of Kurdistan sanandaj

2 PhD Student of Industrial Engineering / University of Kurdistan


Availability of equipment is really important in many industries. In this paper, optimization method according to different levels of and using the Markov modeling method is proposed. The system is designed as a planned mixed-integer nonlinear components selection for choosing the systems components, which the systems costs including the cost of buying parts and cost of reduction in system capacity as well as the cost of the systems complete stop with regards the minimum level of reliability is minimized. For the application of this model, several assumptions such as simultaneous consideration of costs, reliability levels and different repair rate for different options to supply the components, have been considered that distinguishes this study from previous studies. Saving of batch ordering of components in total cost of the system is included in this study. The utilized model for a sample with four used pieces via complete counting (using the Excel software) is solved. The results of solving the model demonstrates that optimization of costs associated with increasing levels of system reliability should be with the optimization of its reliability, appropriately, to minimize the total cost of product cycle.


Main Subjects

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