Comparing the optimization of prestressed concrete bridge deck according to the AASHTO LRFD and AASHTO standard procedures using Cuckoo algorithm.

Document Type : Civil Article


1 Civil engineering faculty. Semnan university.semnan.iran

2 Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

3 civil engineering faculty-Semnan university-Semnan-Iran

4 Shahid Nikbakht faculty-zehedan-Iran


The high cost and time of implementation of the bridgeworks necessitate the optimization in the structural design. The optimization can extensively reduce the used steel, reinforcement, concrete and the time of doing project. In this study the effect of design elements in optimization of a bridge have been investigated. By definition of cross section geometry, strength of material, location and number of pre-stressing cables as variable and also using Cuckoo algorithm, the best value of variables are selected and the best geometry of cross area is choice. These variables in fact are calculated based on two regulations AASHTO LRFD-2015 and standard 2002 and the results are compared.
The results show that the weight minimalist and economic plan are not depended directly because of the effect of concrete, steel and pre-stressed cables and also the high strength concrete used in long bridge span. Finally, for comparison of the bridge span effect, the optimization is carried out for different lengths from 30 to 70 based on the pointed regulations in above and the results are compared


Main Subjects

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