A Proposed Method for Fuzzy Ranking in Multi-Attribute Decision-Making in Type-2 Fuzzy Environments

Document Type : Industry Article


1 Department of Industrial Engineering, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of statistics, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


In many decision-making issues, fuzzy sets are used to deal with ambiguities in linguistic data, However, this data is be defuzzified to make comparisons between the attributes and determine alternatives rating, during the problem solving process, defuzzification will cause a large part of the problem information to be eliminated. The aim of this paper is to propose a multi- period multi- attribute decision-making method in which the rating of alternatives is determined in a fuzzy form, in this method, to cover more ambiguity in the words, Fuzzy Type-2 sets have used and for integrating type-2 fuzzy data in time periods, a new integrator operator is defined. To confirm the efficiency of the proposed method, first, an applied example presented by previous studies was analyzed using the proposed method, the results showed that the ranking of alternatives in the proposed method is more comprehensive than the mentioned method, Then, the evaluation of the dimensions of service quality of Shahrekurd's public transportation scenarios was presented as a real example application and The fuzzy rating of the alternatives was determined.


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