Modeling and evaluation of technical, economical and environmental performance of molten carbonate fuel cell compared to micro turbine gas for the production of electricity and heat simultaneously

Document Type : Research Paper


Sharif University of Technology


Given the increased consumption and energy costs, the reduction of fossil fuels and the growing concern for environmental issues and global warming, finding a way to convert energy with high efficiency and low environmental impact is essential. The purpose of this study is to model and evaluate the technical, economical and environmental aspects of the molten carbonate fuel cell compared to the conventional technology of micro turbine gas. According to the estimates made in various capacities, the fuel efficiency of the fuel cell was 23% higher than that of the micro turbine, which would reduce fuel consumption in the fuel cell. In terms of the environment, the amount of carbon dioxide produced in a fuel cell and micro turbine is 377 and 625 grams per kilowatt-hour, which represents 40% lower emissions in fuel cells. In the economic evaluation, various parameters such as carbon taxes, fuel prices and fuel cell stack costs are very influential. According to forecasts, with increasing carbon taxes in the coming years and lowering the cost of fuel cell technology, this technology can be exploited by conventional power generation technologies such as gas micro turbines.


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426 ر یطی عملکرد پیل سوختی کربنات مذاب د یستمح ی، اقتصادی و ز فن ییاب مدلسازی و ارز ...