Supplier selection using the hybrid fuzzy ANP-DEMATE-VIKOR approach

Document Type : Industry Article


Associate professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan


In this paper, a hybrid model of fuzzy multi-criteria decision making is presented for the cases a large number of criteria, relationships or affiliation exists are between them. In this model, the DEMATEL method is used to determine the relationships between criteria and analytic network process (ANP) method to identify the weight of each criteria and the VIKOR method for optimizing the multi-criteria of ranking the best supplier. In this study, in order to cover the cases of decisions with ambiguous scenarios, rather than using absolute numbers, the linguistic variables are used. The proposed hybrid model can direct managers and experts organizations In order to improve their choices, especially when there are numerous criteria and there is dependence between them under conditions of uncertainty.The proposed method, reduces number of pairwise comparison matrix and volume of calculations and also increases calculation speed and the complexity of the problem is reduced. In order to showing the solving process a numerical example is presented. The computational results show that proposed hybrid method, in addition to ranking alternatives calculates the final weight of each criterion.


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