Design and Atomic Modeling of Multimode Sliding Electromechanical Switch Based on Bilayer Armchair α-Graphyne Nanoribbons

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Electrical Engineering, Islamshahr Branch,,Islamic Azad University,Islamshahr,Iran


Design and atomic modeling of multimode sliding electromechanical switch based on bilayer armchair α-graphyne nanoribbons is presented by applying density functional theory combined with non-equilibrium Green's function. In the proposed switch structure, bottom graphyne layer is fixed and the top layer is movable. Different configurations of the layers are created by moving the top layer over the bottom layer along the horizontal axis with the displacement distances of 1.36 Å, 2.61 Å, 3.97 Å, 8.41 Å, 9.44 Å and 12.6 Å. There are six stacking modes for the proposed device, namely, Ab, Aa, AB, AB2, Aa2 and AA, respectively. These configurations cause current of the proposed switch changes significantly in each stacking mode. To better analysis, electronic transport properties of the proposed device including transmission spectrum, band structure, molecular energy spectrum, molecular projected self-consistent hamiltonian and transmission pathway are calculated. The results demonstrate that current switching ratio of the proposed device depends on the type of layers atomic configuration and varies significantly from one mode to another. Maximum switching ratio of the proposed device can reach to 34 under the bias voltage of 0.6 V when the mode of device changes from AA to Aa2. This suggests that the controlled movement of layers in bilayer graphyne nanoribbon device could be a useful method to design multimode sliding electromechanical switch in nanoelectronics field. Furthermore, the results exhibit that the proposed device in AB2, Aa and AA modes reveals negative differential resistance which provides ability of its usage in quantum tunneling device.


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