Investigation of main frame performance of 2 MW wind turbine using finite element method

Document Type : Mechanics article


1 Niroo Research Institute (NRI) Renewable Energy Research Department

2 Niroo Research Institute (NRI)


Due to the role of the frame, in addition to strength and fatigue analysis, the deformation of the frame is also very important. But unlike strength and fatigue analyzes, there is no specific criterion for analyzing the deformation of the main frame. Therefore, in this paper, in addition to providing a method for deriving specific criteria for evaluating the permissible deformation of the frame and the drivetrain, with the help of simultaneous simulation of the frame and the drivetrain, a solution for determining the displacements and evaluating them under loads is presented. The performance of the main frame has also been examined in terms of strength. Due to the numerical nature of the proposed way, before obtaining the results, the quality of the elements is studied from various aspects to ensure the accuracy of the results. Finally, studies have shown that the presented geometry has the necessary strength, and also has sufficient rigidity against the applied loads on the wind turbine So the drivetrain installed on it without any problems can perform its function. Finally, the main frame strength safety factor is 1.3, the deformation safety factor of yaw bearing is 1.7, and the deformation safety factor of high-speed coupling is 1.1 in both axial and radial directions. Also, the deformation analysis of the drivetrain and frame assembly shows a 15% reduction in the life of the first bearing and a 50% reduction in the life of the second bearing installed on the main shaft of the wind turbine


Main Subjects

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