Quantitative Risk assessment for 35 KM oil transfer pipeline leakage from Mansouri oil field to Ahwaz booster pump with QRA and Olga dynamic modeling

Document Type : Chemistry Article


Department of Chemical Engineering, Quchan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Quchan, Iran


The extensive and detailed network of oil and gas transmission lines in the National Oil Company passes through overpasses and underpasses in various places. The 33 km oil pipeline from Mansouri oil field to Booster Ahvaz, will bring many personal and environmental risks from residential areas. In order to assess the risk of constructing this pipeline, the amount of oil release in three different types of small, medium and large leaks was evaluated hydraulically and dynamically by OLGA software. Among the 6 analyzed scenarios, in the case of complete pipeline rupture about 220 tons of oil will be released in the environment within 5 minutes, which will cause many individual, and environmental risks. At the next step, the consequences of leaking this amount of oil were evaluated with PHAST software. Based on the results, the maximum safe space related to individual risk has been created in the vicinity of Masharahat village, where the individual risk area of the ALARP is 760 meters away and near the village of Abu Bakriyeh 730 meters from the center of the oil pipeline, and practically a part of the mentioned villages is in Within the ALARP zone, individual risk is placed. By installing line break valves in the middle and end of the pipeline, trying to reduce the corrosion rate of the pipeline, trying to reduce human errors in incorrect operation of the line will reduce the risk of using the pipeline, especially in places where the line is located near the mentioned villages.


Main Subjects

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