Modeling and Design of Moving Particle Charge Sensor with Coin Shaped Electrode

Document Type : Power Article


Department of Electrical Engineering, Velayat University, Iranshahr, Iran


The subject of this article is the design and modeling of an electrodynamic sensor with improved circuit specifications to measure the charge of moving particles. This sensor can be used to observe magnetic field changes, non-intrusively, to measure velocity, density, and distribution parameters of moving particles in industrial pipelines and conveyors. The two main components of the sensor are the transducer and the signal conditioning circuit. The transducer is made of a coin-shaped metal electrode and a transimpedance amplifier. The electrode design process involves obtaining the magnetic sensitivity model of the electrode and calculating the induced current. In addition, the signal conditioning circuit components, with upgraded electronics, include sequential voltage amplifiers and a noise reduction filter that are based on transducer modeling results. The results of the experiments and simulations of the final design showed that the sensor can detect a wide range of magnetic field amplitudes produced by moving particles. Also, the sensor has high sensitivity and good circuit stability and can be a good choice for use in measuring instruments.


Main Subjects

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