Design, Modeling and Simulation of Wireless MEMS Capacitive Microphone

Document Type : Power Article


1 Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Babol, Iran

2 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Babol, Iran


In this article, a new structure of the wireless MEMS condenser microphone has been designed, analyzed and modeled. In the proposed structure, a microphone with  low pull-in voltage is used, which is in series with a Mems inductor. The internal inductor is in mutual induction mode with an external inductor and provides the required voltage for the microphone. The information received by the microphone is also transmitted through mutual induction. The sensor is designed for use in hearing aids for the deaf. The dimensions of the microphone are 250×250μm2, which is located in the middle of the Mems inductor with dimensions of 2×2mm2. The microphone and the inductor have been analyzed separately and then modeled using compact electronic elements and the formula required for their design has been calculated. The simulation of Mems microphone and Mems inductor has been done in Intellisuite software and their circuit simulation has been done in ADS software. The sensor is very low-noise and low-power, and its signal-to-noise and power consumption per input voltage of 100 mv is equal to 79.6 db and 204 mW. Due to the absence of batteries, the dimensions of the proposed sensor are small and suitable for medical and security applications.


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