An Improved Deep Text Clustering via Local Manifold of an Autoencoder Embedding

Document Type : Computer Article


1 Department of Computer Engineering, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

2 Department of Computer Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

3 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


Text clustering is a method for separating specific information from textual data and can even classify text according to topic and sentiment, which has drawn much interest in recent years. Deep clustering methods are especially important among clustering techniques because of their high accuracy. These methods include two main components: dimensionality reduction and clustering. Many earlier efforts have employed autoencoder for dimension reduction; however, they are unable to lower dimensions based on manifold structures, and samples that are like one another are not necessarily placed next to one another in the low dimensional. In the paper, we develop a Deep Text Clustering method based on a local Manifold in the Autoencoder layer (DCTMA) that employs multiple similarity matrices to obtain manifold information, such that this final similarity matrix is obtained from the average of these matrices. The obtained matrix is added to the bottleneck representation layer in the autoencoder. The DCTMA's main goal is to generate similar representations for samples belonging to the same cluster; after dimensionality reduction is achieved with high accuracy, clusters are detected using an end-to-end deep clustering. Experimental results demonstrate that the suggested method performs surprisingly well in comparison to current state-of-the-art methods in text datasets.


Main Subjects

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