Number of Volumes 18
Number of Issues 66
Number of Articles 990
Number of Contributors 2,088
Article View 1,046,819
PDF Download 518,273
View Per Article 1057.39
PDF Download Per Article 523.51
Number of Submissions 3,981
Accepted Submissions 1,028
Acceptance Rate 26
Time to Accept (Days) 296
Number of Indexing Databases 10
Number of Reviewers 3582

The "Modeling in Engineering" is an open access journal that published quarterly (both in print and online) and is an national medium for publishing data and new achievements of researchers in various fields, including artificial intelligence in engineering, applied methods in engineering and simulation and modeling methods and tools in engineering, which was founded in 2008 by Semnan University Press. The main fields of this journal include engineering, artificial intelligence, applied methods, simulation and modeling methods and tools. This journal also publishes research and review papers. The journal language is persian, and in addition, the Abstract and References of the articles are in English.

* The Journal of Modeling in Engineering proudly announces that it has decided to publish a special issue on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Semnan University. All researchers are invited to submit their quality articles for this Special Issue. Also, please confirm your consent to publish the article in this special issue in the Cover Letter. All the manuscripts submitted for this Special Issue will go through a complete review process as usual. 

* This journal is the result of joint scientific activities of Semnan University and Iranian Motor Scientific Association.

* Journal of Modeling in Engineering utilizes "Samim Noor Detection Software" for checking the originality and similarity rate of submitted manuscripts in the reviewing process.


Current Issue: Volume 23, Special Issue 81, July 2025 (Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Semnan University- In Progress) 

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