Presentation of a Combined Code Generator and its Development in the Form of New Capabilities with Service-Oriented Architecture Approach

Document Type : Computer Article




Service-oriented architecture is one of the fields of software engineering that enables a connection between the two systems in a heterogeneous network with different technology. Architectural features include the ability to reuse and agility against future changes. In the service-oriented architecture, one of the most important and fundamental challenge is that despite various code generators that introduced in this field, there are still shortcomings in the various phases of the code generator.
In this paper, due to the weaknesses of the code generators in the different phases and that these shortcomings be found in the quality, and production software systems, have to offer a hybrid approach for the introduction of two references to the code generator. In order to use the advantages of the above two code generator, a hybrid code generator (SOG) is offered. Also, in order to increase the efficiency in the production of software systems using the provided code generator, the new features to enhance the security the code generator, increase programming languages supported, multiple formats for the transmission of information between client and server, adding a cryptographic layer and the production of panels for database management is provided on the web. The main objective of this paper is the code generator provides the codes related to service-oriented architecture. In order to assess the ability of the proposed code generator, the code generator is evaluated based on criteria related to different protocols and data transfer between client and server.


Main Subjects

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